Sunday, 29 May 2011

The whole world is now looking towards India, because it has got the largest youth population .many countries have the fear of India becoming the most powerful country if all Indian especially youth work together for the betterment of the society.

Today our country is facing many problems which are acting like a barriers for our countries development .Poverty, child labor ,social inequalities and above all corruption  .to encounter all the problems the country is facing today the best solution is education to all ,when all people become literates and know there responsibility towards society many problems could find a solution .

When all the people are educated, they won’t give bribe which might stop corruption .they would think and vote for a good person as their representatives.

As every Indian wants to see his country on the top ,his national flag flying high .We have seen when a group of educated people sit together  and they start talking about their country , they start scolding the political leaders , but they are not understanding that we are those who elected them .what are they doing toward society .

One of the most inspirational quote I went through “we need to question ourselves what we have given to the country, not what country has given us “.

When every individual in the country performs his minimum responsibility towards society, defiantly the country develops.

With all these thing in minds, we want to do something which is useful to the society ,We then formed a group with people who are ready to do something towards a society and called it “REDEEM “.

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